HugoMods Authors

HugoMods Authors

Contributors of HugoMods code and documentation.

Hugo Bootstrap Module | HugoMods
Bootstrap Accordion Shortcode
Shortcode to build vertically accordions, the FAQs is the most common use case.
Hugo Bootstrap Module | HugoMods
Bootstrap Container Shortcode
Containers are the most basic layout element in Bootstrap and are required when using our default grid system. Containers are used to contain, pad, and (sometimes) center the content within them. While containers can be nested, most layouts do not require a nested container.
Hugo Bootstrap Module | HugoMods
Bootstrap Hero Examples
Quickly design and customize responsive, complex and beautiful Hero components with the Bootstrap shortcodes, the Hugo built-in shortcodes and the extended shortcodes.
Hugo Bootstrap Module | HugoMods
Bootstrap Icon Grid Shortcode
Shortcode to generate icon grid, which supports icon, heading and description.
Hugo Bootstrap Module | HugoMods
Bootstrap Display Shortcode
Traditional heading elements are designed to work best in the meat of your page content. When you need a heading to stand out, consider using a display heading—a larger, slightly more opinionated heading style.
Hugo Bootstrap Module | HugoMods
Bootstrap Ratio Shortcode
The ratio shortcode is perfect for responsively handling video or slideshow embeds based on the width of the parent.